Towards a Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud : The Open Linguistics Working Group

Christian Chiarcos*, Sebastian Hellmann** and Sebastian Nordhoff***
*Information Sciences Institute; University of Southern California; 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 1001, Marina del Rey, CA 90292;
**Department of Computer Science; University of Leipzig; Johannisgasse 26, 04103 Leipzig;
***Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology; Deutscher Platz 6, 04103 Leipzig;
Résumé (en anglais)
The Open Linguistics Working Group (OWLG) is an initiative of experts from different fields concerned with linguistic data, including academic linguistics (e.g. typology, corpus linguistics), applied linguistics (e.g. computational linguistics, lexicography and language documentation), and NLP (e.g. from the Semantic Web community). The primary goals of the working group are 1) promoting the idea of open linguistic resources, 2) developing means for their representation, and 3) encouraging the exchange of ideas across different disciplines. To a certain extent, the activities of the Open Linguistics Working Group converge towards the creation of a Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud, which is a topic addressed from different angles by several members of the Working Group. In this article, some of these currently on-going activities are presented and described.